bandiera italiana dell'accademia dell'olivo e dell'olio

Congresso Olivebioteq - Siviglia-2018

Dear colleagues and friends,

We have updated the OLIVEBIOTEQ 2018 ( website
New details on the committees, registration fees, keynote speakers, instructions for submitting the abstract of your contribution, etc., are now available.

Please note that the deadline for Abstract submission is April 30th. Be sure to submit your Abstract on time for us to organize properly the contents of each Session.

Potential sponsors and companies wanting to have their products displayed at the Symposium are kindly requested to contact us as soon as possible (see the SPONSORS and EXHIBITORS page in our website).
Kind regards
José Enrique Fernández and Antonio Díaz-Espejo
Instituto de Recursos Naturales y Agrobiología (IRNAS, CSIC)

José Manuel Martínez-Rivas and Wenceslao Moreda
Instituto de la Grasa (IG, CSIC)

Accademia Nazionale dell'Olivo e dell'Olio - via Nursina 2 -Spoleto. 0743/223603 P. IVA 03002620544 - C. F. 84007130549
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